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woman with smooth youthful skin

Anti-Ageing Tips: Prevent & Reduce the Effect of Time on Your Skin

As we grow older, our skin ages. But did you know there are lots of ways you can delay the onset of ageing, or even reduce the effect time has on our skin and appearance? Today, our experts in Norwich will explain more about how ageing works, how to effectively ‘stop the clock’, and the types of anti-ageing treatments that could help you feel more youthful for longer.


How can I prevent ageing skin?

Here are just a few of our top tips for helping prevent skin ageing.

  • Hydrate little and often with water
  • Get enough sleep. You should aim for around 8 hours of sleep per night
  • Invest in a skincare routine
  • Protect your skin in the sun (and never use sun beds)
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables for a healthy, balanced diet
  • Avoid smoking, and drinking too much alcohol


So, what is ageing and how does it work?

Lots of things can cause ageing of the skin, but one of the biggest is UV exposure. Whether from the sun or tanning beds, UV light breaks down the collagen and elastin fibres that connect the skin. Your general age can also play a part – your skin naturally becomes less elastic over time, and produces less natural oils (which account for a dry, wrinkly appearance). And finally, lots of expressive movement during your lifetime – laughing, smiling, frowning, squinting – can leave its mark through fine lines and wrinkles. Coupled with the loss of elasticity in your skin, it’s easy to see why these lines become more visible.


What else can contribute to ageing?

As with many things, diet, exercise and lifestyle can each play a role. For example, certain vitamins, minerals and nutrients are known to help combat ageing, including compounds in saffron and turmeric, vitamins C and E, and lesser-known compounds like sulforaphane, which is found in certain types of vegetables and has been linked to anti-inflammatory properties. When it comes to exercising, activity can help supercharge the cells’ mitochondria (‘powerhouses’), which can help them run more efficiently. And finally, with lifestyle factors like smoking, you may be more likely to develop wrinkles.

Should I have a skincare routine?

We think that everyone should care for their skin in the way that works best for them. This is typically through a skincare routine, for example, cleansing the skin of pollutants and dirt at the end of the day, and ensuring you’re keeping your skin moisturised.


Talk to our experts in Norwich

We’d love to help you discover your best skin. Get in touch with our experts and find out how today.