Sun Spot Treatment

Are you looking for a way to reduce the damaging effects of the sun on your skin? Sun spot removal can help you look and feel your best by restoring the health and vibrancy of your skin.

Sun damage can cause discolouration, wrinkles, and other signs of ageing that can make you look and feel older than you are. Sun spot removal treatments are designed to reverse the effects of the sun and restore your skin to a more youthful and healthy state. From laser treatments to chemical peels and injections, there are a variety of treatments available to help you reduce and even remove the signs of sun damage. With the right sun spot removal treatment, you can reclaim a more youthful look.

Book Your Free Consultation

Sun Spot Treatment

1. Before Your Consultation

Consultation with Dr Saba Raja is an essential step before any sun spot removal treatment.

  • Thorough skin analysis
  • Identify the severity, location, and type of sunspot
  • Evaluate skin type and medical history
  • Determine most suitable treatment option
  • Discussion about the treatment process

2. Treatment

There are a few possible treatment options to remove sunspots, but Dr Saba Raja won’t know if the most suitable for you is ZO products, chemical peels, microneedling, or laser treatment, until she meets you in person.

  • Friendly welcome into our practise rooms in Norwich
  • Sun spot skin area prepared
  • Your preferred treatment applied
  • Aftercare guidance provided
  • Safe and effective sun spot removal

3. Aftercare

It’s important that you follow the after-care guidance provided by Dr Saba Raja in order to keep yourself free from infection and achieve the best results.

  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Avoid strenuous activity that causes sweating
  • Keep the treated area clean and dry
  • Avoid using make up on the treated area
  • Apply any suggested skin care products

Dr Saba Raja

During the many years Dr Saba Raja has been a practising medical doctor in the aesthetics field, she has successfully treated sun damage in all its different forms.

About Dr Saba

Your Questions

There are a number of ZO Skin Health products that will remove damaged skin cells and replace them with fresh new skin tissue, removing visible sun damage. To find out which product is going to be the most appropriate for you, please get in touch to book a consultation with us.

Chemical peels work by using a solution of acids that are applied to the skin’s surface, causing the outer layer to peel off. This process removes the damaged skin cells that contain the age spots, revealing fresh, new skin underneath.

We will determine the most suitable treatment plan for your individual case of sun damage when you visit us for your consultation, and you have your skin examined.

We will offer you a topical numbing cream before you have microneedling treatment. This will minimise any discomfort you may feel.

Your Concerns

Sun spots can be removed from the face safely, quickly, and without causing damage to surrounding cells.

Sun spot removal from the neck will give you a more even skin tone here.

Sun spots on the backs of the hands can be very ageing. Give your hands a younger look, by having your sun spots removed.

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Related Treatments

ZO Skin health

Medical grade skin care products that are designed to remove sun spots.

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Resurfacing treatment that removes the damaged skin cells causing the sun spots.

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Laser treatment

Safe, fast, and efficient laser treatment for removing sun spots.

Find Out More

Book Your Appointment

Why not have your sun spot assessed to discover which treatment will best suit its removal. Dr Saba Raja will be able to advise you when you book a consultation with us.

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